She’s baaack! Kim Kardashian returned to social media on Tuesday, January 3, after taking a three-month break following some turmoil in her personal life. The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star, who went silent on Twitter and Instagram after being robbed at gunpoint in Paris this past October, posted an adorable family photo and responded to fans on Twitter. Find out more in the video above, and detailed below!
In the snap, which she captioned “family” on both Instagram and Twitter, the Selfish author can be seen bending down next to her children, North and Saint West, while her husband, Kanye West, stands nearby. All four of the Wests don similar white ensembles.
Haha ?? I missed you guys!
— Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) January 4, 2017
Kardashian also tweeted back at excited fans.
The posts come after Kardashian, 36, also returned to her app,, earlier in the day on Tuesday.
As previously reported, the social media maven shared a montage of sweet home videos featuring her kids and husband. The two-and-a-half minute clip is set to Jeremih’s 2015 song “Paradise” and offers fans a glimpse inside Kardashian’s life as a mom and wife. In the video, North, 3, can be seen acting like a doting older sister while helping clean up after her brother, Saint, 12 months. Kardashian and West also share some sweet moments throughout the video.
Kardashian also returned to Snapchat Tuesday evening, revealing that West created the video montage for her Christmas present. “Kanye made me two versions for my Christmas present,” she wrote alongside another version of the adorable video.
Kardashian has been slowly stepping back into the spotlight since the robbery and West’s hospitalization in November. Last month, she attended and posed for pictures at her mom Kris Jenner’s annual Christmas Eve bash and was also photographed with her kids and West at The Nutcracker over the holidays.