Broadway star Ruthie Ann Miles and her husband, Jonathan Blumenstein, have suffered another unspeakable loss. The Tony-winning actress, whose 4-year-old daughter Abigail was killed in a Brooklyn car crash in March, lost her unborn baby girl on Friday, May 11. Miles, 35, was 39 weeks pregnant and due to give birth this month, per the New York Daily News.
“At the time of the crash Ruthie was pregnant and was severely injured. This past Friday Ruthie and Jonathan lost their baby, Sophia Rosemary Wong Blumenstein,” the family’s lawyer, Ben Rabinowitz, said in a statement on Wednesday, May 16. “The pain suffered by Ruthie and Jonathan is nearly impossible to fathom. As you might imagine, they are overwhelmed by the sadness of the deaths of their children.”
The statement continued: “Ruthie and Jonathan are grateful for the support of their family and friends but wish and ask that their privacy by respected during their most trying time. Ruthie and Jonathan continue to seek God’s presence, mercy and peace.”
Miles and Abigail were two of four people hit when Dorothy Bruns ran a red light in Brooklyn, New York, on March 5, and plowed into a crosswalk. Lauren Lew suffered injuries and her 1-year-old son, Joshua, was killed. Miles was released from the intensive care unit three days. At the time, she was seven months pregnant.
The theater community has been rallying around Miles, who won a Tony in 2015 for her role in the Broadway revival of The King and I. “All the love and light in the world to Ruthie Ann Miles. Unimaginable,” tweeted Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda on Thursday, May 17.
“Sending love to the incredible Ruthie Ann Miles May the loving arms of those who care you, hold and life you,” wrote The Color Purple’s Cynthia Erivo.
Bruns was charged with involuntary manslaughter on May 3.