A woman who says she was one of three girls to whom Stephen Collins exposed himself is speaking out about the actor in a graphic, very detailed interview with the UK's Daily Mail Online. According to the site, April Price, now 44, met the 7th Heaven dad in the summer of 1983, when she was 13 and visiting her aunt in the L.A.-area apartment complex where Collins lived at the time.
Price, who was a fan of the actor's work on the show The Tales of the Gold Monkey, claimed that Collins exposed himself to her on three different occasions that summer. The first alleged incident occurred while she was in the kitchen cooking breakfast; she told the Daily Mail that he walked past the window completely naked.
"At the time, I didn't think it was necessarily sinister really, but I thought it was odd," she recalled. "It was not like he tried to cover up. He knew I was there while he was naked. He could see me there."
A few days after that, she claimed, he volunteered to help hook up her Atari in her aunt's living room. "I don't know at what point he did it, but when he turned around, his pants were completely unfastened," she told the Daily Mail. "His penis was hanging out and I'm just shocked. He doesn't make any mention of it. He doesn't act any differently."
Price said she decided to "play along" and act "normal," too, even though she was freaking out internally. "Honestly, I was 13 and hadn't even kissed a boy yet," she told the site. "This was not something I was even remotely prepared for in my life and I shut down…I didn't want to be rude. He was doing something for me. He was fixing something for me. I didn't want him to think I wasn't appreciative of that."
Price said she knew something was wrong but that she fooled herself into thinking it was "an aberration" and he was a "nice guy" — which is why she said yes when he reportedly asked if she wanted to come over to his place to look at all of his memorabilia from The Tales of the Gold Monkey.
While she was there, she alleged to the Daily Mail, he disappeared into his bedroom and then came back out "completely naked." She further claimed that he "put his genitalia right at [her] eye level."
"I was panicked," she said. "I don't know if I was afraid for my life, but…I don't think he ever made me feel that he was capable of physical harm. But I was not prepared on any level to handle that at my age. I shouldn't have had to see that, at that point in my life."
She saw an opportunity to leave, she claimed, when her aunt walked by. She "bolted," and didn't see Collins again until years later, when she was working the craft service table on the set of 7th Heaven.
"He was very intense," she recalled. "He said, 'I want you to understand what I did. I know it was extremely wrong. I really apologize for it, if I ever made you uncomfortable.'"
Price said she accepted his apology and tried to put the ordeal behind her — only to have it come up again last year, when TMZ posted a recording of the actor admitting to his transgressions in a therapy session. He later sat down with Katie Couric to talk about the scandal.
"I'm a flawed person," Collins told Couric in December. "In the church, it's actually one of the things I love about the church…it's really one of the main things about the Christian faith, is you know, Christ said in so many ways, 'Bring me that… which about you is broken, bring it,' and most people are broken in some way."
He continued: "Most people get to, or have to, or choose to hide it. This came out. I didn't choose this to come out. I didn't want to have to deal with these things publicly…I had dealt with them very, very strongly, and committedly, in my private life, but I think, I'm a human being with flaws and I've done everything I can to address it."
A rep for Collins did not respond to a request for comment.