Your BFF deserves every single pet treat he’s given, because making you smile is definitely a full-time job. But what your dog or cat doesn’t necessarily need is the extra calories that comes with them. Gulp.
If you’re the pet owner who is always doling out yummy rewards, you should know, especially on National Pet Obesity Awareness Day on October 10, that while an overweight cat or dog may be happy, they’re not necessarily healthy.
“Obesity is a big problem among our companion animals,” says Dr. Shian Simms, chief of veterinary medicine for New York-based Bideawee, one of America’s first no-kill animal rescues. “Owners tend to overfeed their pets and do not take the time to exercise them enough. Overweight pets tend to be more exercise-intolerant, causing the cycle to perpetuate itself.”
With an estimated 60 percent of cats and 56 percent of dogs in the United States overweight or obese, according to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, clearly that sedentary cycle needs to be broken across the country.
Simms shared with Us Weekly six solid ways to prevent your pet from packing on extra pounds — and it starts with you getting smart about what you’re serving up at home.