The drama continues. The Challenge costars Cara Maria Sorbello and Paulie Calafiore officially split this month after she was informed that he had still been speaking to his ex, Bachelor alum Danielle Maltby. Now, the women have come together to share what they claim to be the proof.
Cara and Paulie, who first met on Final Reckoning, were in an open relationship but Cara Maria claims she was under the impression that his relationship with Danielle was over. Danielle and Paulie began dating in January 2018 but parted ways when he returned from The Challenge and revealed how close he had gotten with Cara.
Us Weekly has obtained text messages and screenshots from both Danielle and Cara Maria. Paulie, for his part, stands by that he was in an open relationship with Cara when he was speaking to Danielle and that he wants to get back together with Cara. He also adds that he has not slept with Danielle since he returned from Final Reckoning.