The final eight contestants on NBC's The Voice are frantically jockeying for votes as the competition heats up, but on Tuesday's live show, all eyes were on the show's coaches, Adam Levine and Christina Aguilera.
Joining Levine and his band Maroon 5 to perform "Moves Like Jagger," Aguilera bopped around on stage clad in a white t-shirt featuring the word "Boys" and showed off edgy pink streaks in her blonde 'do.
And while the pair may seem ultra competitive on-camera with their teams, Aguilera insists there's no bad blood. "We have a great relationship. It's a big lovefest," she tells Us Weekly.
Check out their "Moves Like Jagger" performance in the clip above and tell Us: What do you think of the track?
By Allison Corneau for Us Weekly. For more Channel Surfing, click here.