editors Pamela Satran and Linda Rosenkrantz — who penned the books Baby Name Bible and Beyond Ava & Aiden– are blogging for about why celebs choose the names they do, and what they mean.
Josie Brooklyn Duggar, born last January at just 25 weeks, may be the 19th child and 9th daughter of Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar of TLC reality fame — but it may seem even more remarkable that the Arkansas couple was able to come up with 19 baby names all starting with the same letter!
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The children all share the first initial of dad Jim Bob's name, which creates a tremendous amount of family unity. And if you were planning on a large family with same-initialed names, J would be one of the best letters to choose because it encompasses a wide selection of names that combine both tradition and style.
Most of the names they chose sound and feel distinct from each other, which will allow the children to feel like individuals as well as part of a cohesive group.
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But the name Josie, though adorable, treads dangerously close to those of several of her siblings: sister Johanna (which itself is nearly a double of Joy-Anna), along with brothers Joseph and Josiah.
Memo to Duggars: Avoid using the nickname Jo or Joe, or risk summoning half a baseball team at once!