How bizarre! Through the years, companies have aired some pretty strange ads to promote their products — and we must admit, it’s a smart marketing tactic. Watch the video above to revisit the seven weirdest commercials of all time!
In 2013, Skittles aired a commercial of an elderly woman taking her cloud for a walk. Yes, you read that right. She walked down the sidewalk with a cloud — rather than a dog — attached to a leash. “That’s a good cloud. There you go!” she raved while petting the fluffy white cloud, which just so happened to dispense Skittles. When a stranger walked over and asked to pet it, the cloud turned black and jolted him with a lightning bolt. “He doesn’t like to be touched there,” the woman warned.
In the 1980s, McDonald’s debuted Mac Tonight, a fictional character that was shaped like a crescent moon, wore sunglasses and played the piano. Mac Tonight was originally created to promote McDonald’s locations in southern California, but the campaign became so popular that it went nationwide in 1987.
And then there was Puppy Monkey Baby. During Super Bowl 50 in February 2016, Mountain Dew aired an ad promoting its soda products with some help from a CGI character that mashed a pug’s head, a monkey’s upper body and a baby’s diaper and legs. The bizarre creature, naturally, became a trending topic on Twitter immediately after it aired. The commercial generated 2.2 million views online the night of the NFL championship game, according to
Watch the video above to see more weird commercials, including KFC and Toyota!