Well, here is an "excruciating" admission from Sharon Osbourne. The former reality star confessed to Howard Stern on Sirius XM radio on Wednesday, Dec. 11 that she completely fabricated the story about getting vaginal rejuvenation surgery.
The 61-year-old Talk co-host told Stern that she lied to fans about undergoing the painful procedure, after appearing alongside Colin Farrell on the Graham Norton Show last month. Osbourne told Norton during the Nov. 29 interview that no procedure was more painful than "having my vagina tightened." She descriptively continued, "Oh, it was just excruciating."
On Wednesday morning, Osbourne described the hoax to Stern as a "flippant, stupid thing to be silly." In return, the skeptical radio host pressed the British star for more information: "I feel like you did [get the surgery] and now you're embarrassed to say it," he said.
"I made it up," retorted Ozzy Osbourne's wife of 31 years. "You're saying you fabricated the whole thing?" an incredulous Stern demanded.
"I swear on my children's lives I made it up — just to be flippant," admitted the mother of Kelly and Jack. "How could I do that after I've had so much like, ill health?" she continued. "Now I'm going to start putting scaffolding up my vagina?" she quipped.
(Osbourne battled colon cancer nearly a decade ago. In November 2012, she revealed in an interview that she underwent a double mastectomy after doctors told the matriarch that she was genetically inclined to develop breast cancer.)