Mom of two! Anna Trebunskaya welcomed her second child, Kaspyan, on Saturday, September 2, and she gave Us Weekly all the details about the baby boy’s birth — and that she is engaged to the baby’s father, Nevin Millan.
“He is wonderful. He is doing what he is supposed to be doing right now which is getting adjusted to gravity, and just bodily functions. He’s great. He’s fantastic,” Trebunskaya, 36, told Us about her baby on Wednesday, September 6, adding that her water birth was a “really quite special” experience.
The dancer also revealed to Us that Millan proposed to her in January 2016 while they were on vacation in Hawaii. “Nevin and I got engaged before we even conceived Kaspyan,” she said. “We just never really announced it or made a big deal about it because life is just so busy and I got pregnant and we didn’t want to bring too much attention to it. Now that we had baby No. 2 maybe we can start figuring out our own situation and concentrating on ourselves.”
“I didn’t know that he was going to do it then — he totally surprised me,” she said about their engagement. “He took me the most beautiful waterfall that was a sacred waterfall and he proposed there and got a ring that was designed by him and matched my eye color and matched the sea in Hawaii and it was very surprising and very touching and very romantic.”
Trebunskaya and Millan also have a 3-year-old daughter, Amalya, who is easily transitioning into her big sister role. “She does want to do everything. She wants to help. She wants to entertain him,” she said of her firstborn. “We let her hold him on her lap yesterday, which was like the biggest smile on her face. It was like the most precious experience she’s had.”
After having Amalya, Trebunskaya says she was more prepared this time around. “I would say it was definitely faster. I knew the symptoms and what things are and what I’m experiencing. It was mentally easier. Being a first-time mom, you just don’t know. I wouldn’t say it’s a pleasant experience, but it’s definitely an awesome experience.”
The Dancing With the Stars competitor explained that she named her son after the Caspian Sea, as an ode to both her and her fiancé’s origins — she is from Russia, while Millan’s parents are from Croatia and Northern India.“If you make a circle or a triangle between those three spots and you look right in the middle, there is the Caspian Sea. We wanted the name to be something significant to his heritage. We had a couple of other names in mind, but when he was born we were like, ‘Yeah he looks like a Kaspyan,’” Trebunskaya said.
Since Kaspyan’s birth, both parents have been actively involved in caring for their two kids. “Nevin gets up in the middle of the night and changes diapers and helps burp him. He did that throughout the whole night with me and went in this morning and had an audition,” Trebunskaya told Us.
She added: “It’s all about communication and so far we are just going with the flow.”
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