The latest in the Charlie Sheen saga: The actor, 42, wants to start a family with his fiancee Brooke Mueller. "Oh absolutely," he replied when asked if he wants children in an interview with Extra airing Monday. "We're just dealing with what's in front of us right now and getting through all this crap, getting back to our regularly scheduled life … then dealing with getting married and having our own family, which is exciting." The "crap" Sheen was referring to? His ongoing custody battle with ex Denise Richards over their daughters, Sam, 3, and Lola, 2. In recently leaked court papers filed by Richards, 36, she claimed that Sheen's engagement to Mueller, 29, a real-estate investor, was a media stunt. She also claimed Sheen sent her emails calling her "a sad jobless pig" and telling her to "go cry to your bald mom" (her mother is undergoing chemotherapy treatments), among other nasty allegations. For his part, Sheen has denied those claims and has also asked a judge for the ability to choose his own child care providers for daughters when they are with him and Mueller. "It's just so unfortunate because what's been lost in the entire, this ridiculous and unnecessary circus, is that the initial request was just to be able to hire my own nanny," he said. "That's all I asked for and an extra weekend … cut to two months later, this is what I'm forced to deal with." Still, Sheen is keeping a sense of humor about the whole ordeal. He joked, "You know they say this type of stuff builds character and all that and what doesn't kill us makes us bitter, I mean stronger."