Nearly two years ago, a vlogger named Tasha Maile posted a controversial video titled “Do I Have Sex While Breastfeeding?” In the clip, which has been viewed nearly 4 million times since it was published in September 2015, the San Diego resident recalled doing the deed while nursing her son simultaneously.
“We are pleasure beings, we are meant to enjoy sex and pleasure and all things can be orgasmic,” Maile stated in the video. “I’ve had a lot people ask me if it’s okay to breastfeed and have sex. From what I remember, I remember sleeping with my ex-husband and my son was on me breastfeeding and we would have sex from behind or something.”
The mom of three boys added: “There’s nothing bad about making love at all, ever.”
But not everyone sees it that way. The YouTube star was accused of being inappropriate and committing incest.
In a follow-up video posted in May, Maile (a.k.a. “Spiritual Tasha Mama”) clarified what she meant.
“My 3-month-old would not allow me to put him down at all. So he was attached to me 24/7. And he was always using me as a binky at night,” Maile said. “So we did it while he was sleeping next to me or on me. It had nothing to do with my child. My child was not in the act of what we were doing.”
And Maile continued to defend herself during a July 3 appearance on the UK show This Morning. “I think many other parents have had sex in the same room that their children are sleeping in,” the breast-feeding advocate said via satellite. When host Holly Willoughby quizzed Maile about whether she has sex while the baby is awake she replied: “Even if the baby is awake and off to the side . . . If the baby is OK, they’re not judging you.”
Tell Us: What do you think of Maile’s views on sex?