For her encore performance on Tuesday's Dancing with the Stars finale, a smiling Kate Gosselin revamped her notorious "Paparazzi" routine. When the music segued into disco classic "I Will Survive," partner Tony Dovolani ripped off her skirt to reveal a sparkly micro skirt beneath. The number ended with the 35-year-old mom ascending high into the air on a platform; a close-up camera caught her giggling awkwardly.
Despite much-documented friction with Dovolani during her run on the show, Gosselin said before her dance, "for the record, Tony, I heart you," tracing a heart shape with her fingers.
In rehearsal footage, the reunited pair clashed over how to rework their routine. "I wanted to make it more difficult becaue that's really who I am," she explained — but then balked when Dovolani suggested to saunter up to the judges. "I'm afraid to do that part!"
Sighs a frustrated Dovolani: "it's one thing saying ing you want something, it's a whole other thing to do it."
As they practiced, the 35-year-old reality star surmised: "I would guess that 90 percent of my audience doesn't like me. I'm so controversial."
Of her dancing skills? "I could stand there in the middle of the floor and people would [still] judge me. It doesn't matter if I did a Nicole [Scherzinger] or Evan [Lysacek] performance," she adds. "I would still get picked apart to pieces — so I might as well have fun with it."
The Kate Plus 8 and Twist of Kate star adds: "I would really like America to see the real me. Just doing my best, laughing at myself."