Pretty Little Liars
Mystery–thriller series Pretty Little Liars (PLL) premiered on ABC Family (now Freeform) in June 2010 and ran until June 2017. Based on the novel series written by Sara Shepard, PLL follows a group of girls — Aria Montgomery (played by Lucy Hale), Hanna Marin (Ashley Benson), Emily Fields (Shay Mitchell) and Spencer Hastings (Troian Bellisario) — as their lives turn upside down following the disappearance of their clique’s leader, Alison DiLaurentis (Sasha Pieterse).
The four remaining friends are brought back together one year after Alison goes missing when they start receiving threatening messages from a mysterious figure called “A.” After initially believing Alison is “A,” the girls work together to uncover the identity behind the person planning to ruin their perfect lives. Throughout its seven seasons, the friend group navigates love and loss — and are constantly thrown new twists and turns in their mission to defeat “A.”
PLL stands as the most-watched series on ABC Family, maintaining a steady viewership of over 2.5 million. The series amassed 45 awards through the years, including 3 People’s Choice Awards.
The popularity of PLL prompted three spinoffs: Ravenswood, Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists and Pretty Little Liars: Original Sin.