Trading Spaces
Trading Spaces is a reality series that originally aired for eight seasons on TLC and Discovery Home from 2000 to 2008. TLC revived the series for seasons 9 and 10, which aired from 2018 to 2019.
Based on the BBC TV series Changing Rooms, Trading Spaces features two sets of neighbors redecorating one room in each other’s homes. With a set budget, three-day time limit and the help of a designer, the teams have no say in what happens in their own homes. The transformed rooms are revealed at the end of the final day.
Alex McLeod served as the original host with Paige Davis taking over beginning in season 2. Featured designers include Frank Pielex, Doug Wilson, Nadia Geller, Leslie Segrete and more. Jason Cameron, Andy Kane, Amy Wynn Pastor, Ty Pennington and more have appeared as carpenters on the show.
Several spinoffs have aired through the years, including Trading Spaces: Family, Trading Spaces: Boys vs. Girls, Trading Spaces: Home Free, Trading Spaces: 100 Grand, The Best of Trading Spaces, Training Spaces and Trading Spaces: We’re Back.