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This Anti-Aging Cream Could Improve Your Skin’s Smoothness by 66% in 8 Weeks

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We always encourage fellow skincare lovers to splurge on at least one powerful product in their routine. We love a bargain buy, but to truly hop over the ever-growing hurdle of our anti-aging concerns, we need something special to seal the deal. But choosing just one product is hard — what if we choose wrong?

With SkinCeuticals, you can shop without fear of accidentally picking the wrong product. You just can’t go wrong here — especially if you stick with the bestsellers. One of the brand’s top products, for example, is its Triple Lipid Restore 2:4:2 cream, which is an excellent pick to buy ahead of cold fall and winter weather!

Get the Triple Lipid Repair 2:4:2 Treatment at SkinCeuticals!

This bestseller and award winner is designed to help refill cellular lipids. What does this mean? The skin loses its ability to effectively self-repair as you age due to lipid depletion, so this cream was created to combat that.

Another question you might have is, what exactly does the “2:4:2” mean in the product name? Basically, it’s to signify the “optimal and patented lipid ratio” to improve skin, as related to the above paragraph. That’s 2% pure ceramides 1 and 3, 4% natural cholesterol and 2% fatty acids to nourish and correct signs of aging!

This emollient treatment also contains lavender, rosemary and peppermint oils for a cooling, nourishing feeling!

Get the Triple Lipid Repair 2:4:2 Treatment at SkinCeuticals!

This cream is for all skin types, including sensitive. It’s free of parabens, fragrance, dye and alcohol (a great plus for dry skin). It was tested on 55 subjects in an eight-week study, and participants showed amazing improvement. There was a 66% improvement in smoothness, a 35% improvement in laxity and a 26% improvement in radiance. Imagine what the results could be after another eight weeks!

Another plus? This cream could also help improve the appearance of pores, which we know is another big concern many shoppers have. See why this is worth the splurge? This product has over 3,400 reviews and as shoppers declare, it’s “100% worth the money.”

We’re not done yet. There’s a reason this is the “holy grail of moisturizers,” as a reviewer stated. This formula may even help shorten your adjustment period to retinoids to just one week, helping to reduce dryness. I know when I first started retinoids, it took my skin months to adjust!

Apply this lightweight, fast-absorbing treatment to your face, neck and chest either once or twice a day. And remember, you can always set up a subscription to save 5%!

Get the Triple Lipid Repair 2:4:2 Treatment at SkinCeuticals!

Looking for something else? Shop more bestsellers here and explore all skincare from SkinCeuticals here!

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