The Originals
The Originals is a spinoff of The Vampire Diaries and follows the Mikaelson siblings: Klaus (Joseph Morgan), Elijah (Daniel Gillies) and Rebekah (Claire Holt). The Mikaelson family, who were introduced during seasons 3 and 4 of The Vampire Diaries, are known as “the Originals” because they are the first vampires to ever exist.
The Originals begins with the siblings’ returning to New Orleans when Hayley Marshall (Phoebe Tonkin) is pregnant with Klaus’s baby. The group must protect Hayley and Klaus’s child — who has witch, vampire and werewolf genes — from future threats while a war wages between the three groups of mythical creatures.
The show’s fifth and final season aired in 2018. A spinoff titled Legacies aired from 2019 to 2022.