The 2019 Oscars red carpet on Sunday, February 24, had some really stand out moments. From Pose star Billy Porter wearing a custom Christian Siriano gown to Awkwafina showing up in a glittering tuxedo, there was plenty to discuss and generally delight over. But, as usual, a few stars rose above the others in the fashion department to take the honor of Best Dressed of the night. Our picks for the winners of the night: Emma Stone, Constance Wu, Jennifer Lopez, Regina King and Charlize Theron.
5) Stone was a glittering dream in a maroon Louis Vuitton column dress. With a diamond pattern and flutter sleeves, the unique touches on this gown really made it memorable — and fabulous.
4) Crazy Rich Asians star Wu was a knock out in a bright yellow custom Versace gown with bespoke pieces from Atelier Swarovski Fine Jewelry including long drop earrings, a ring and a bracelet featuring diamonds and topaz. With a simple sweet ponytail, she looked understated but totally fresh and fun at the same time.
3) Lopez was a prize herself in a mirror-covered long-sleeve, high-neck Tom Ford gown that fit her curves perfectly. Her sleek Old Hollywood waves and Tyler Ellis Clutch provided the perfect finishing touches.
2) Dressed in white, King looked like an angel floating down the red carpet —but with major sex appeal, thanks to a thigh-high slit in her Oscar de la Renta gown. To finish off the look, she wore Chopard jewels and Christian Louboutin shoes.
1) And taking our top spot is Theron, who not only debuted a new brown bob haircut on the carpet, but won the whole darn thing in our hearts thanks to her blue long-sleeve backless Dior Couture gown. With dazzling unexpected elements like pointed shoulders and a mock turtleneck, the dress was a total eye-catcher. And her multi-strand Bulgari necklace and colorful earrings were just as stunning.