The Vampire Diaries
Based on L.J. Smith’s series of books by the same name, The Vampire Diaries is a supernatural drama centered on Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev), a high school student who recently lost her parents in a car crash. She meets and falls in love with vampire Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) but becomes conflicted when his brother, Damon (Ian Somerhalder), appears in her small town. Other characters include Jeremy Gilbert (Steven R. McQueen), Jenna Sommers (Sara Canning), Bonnie Bennett (Kat Graham), Caroline Forbes (Candice Accola), Matt Donovan (Zach Roerig) and Tyler Lockwood (Michael Trevino).
Dobrev, previously known for her work on Degrassi: The Next Generation, announced in 2015 that she would be leaving the show after its sixth season to pursue more mature projects. She recorded a voiceover for the season 7 finale and made a guest appearance in season 8.
TVD aired on The CW from 2009 to 2017 with a total of eight seasons.