Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso was inspired by a character that creator Jason Sudeikis portrayed in an NBC Sports media series that promoted Premier League soccer. The show follows Ted Lasso, a college football coach who is hired to helm an English soccer team by the owner’s ex-wife in hopes that his inexperience will lead to the team’s failure. However, both Lasso and the team find their footing.
The series stars Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso, Hannah Waddingham as Rebecca Welton, Jeremy Swift as Leslie Higgins, Phil Dunster as Jamie Tartt, Brett Goldstein as Roy Kent, Brendan Hunt as Coach Beard, Nick Mohammed as Nathan “Nate” Shelley and Juno Temple as Keeley Jones.
Ted Lasso premiered on Apple TV+ in 2020, with season 3 airing in 2023. The series became the most nominated debut comedy in Emmy Award history, earning 20 nominations and four wins for its first season. In total, the show has earned two Golden Globe Awards, three Screen Actors Guild Awards and eight Emmys.